“Optimize Brain Function: Enhance Focus, Sleep & Health”


We all do not understand what we are doing in our life. the reason why I am doing such small things brain plaque is accumulating in our brain and our Brain Function damage is becoming very common in today’s generation. scary we will try to understand today that how alcohol and smoking damage the brain what is the weather of your active passive lake of sleep dangerous long term side effect how we get Alzheimer’s can avoid many such brain health question today we will discuss.

Youngsters Damaging Their Spine

Spine is the Biggest Thin that young people are in real life.

It is true that young people are damaging their spine because in today’s times we are mostly not active, mostly sitting, we wake up in the morning and sit at the breakfast table, then sit in the car and go to work, then sit in the office and work on the computer. But we work and ten come back in the evening sitting in the car four hours because there is so much traffic, then we come home and sit and eat food, sit and watch TV and then sit and work on the computer and go to sleep,

this causes a lot of damage to the spine. it may happen if we do not rehabilitate from the beginning. most people complete rehabilitation after the problem occurs, if we do not do anything before the problem occurs, because this human spinal cord is very delicate because we were the first four-legged animals. now we have become two-lagged animal our assessment was done very quickly and our spinal cord not developed enough to support our body on 2 legs, so our body is in a delicate situation. if we do not take care of the spine then there is a fear of developing degenerative spine DC. Here are some common factors that contribute spine problem in this demographic.

  1. poor posture
  2. Heavy Backpacks
  3. lack of physical activity
  4. Overexertion in sport
  5. Repetitive Habits
  6. Unhealthy Habits
  7. Ignoring pain

Sitting is as dangerous as smoking?

When we are talking about the situation that sitting for too long is damaging our spine, this is a very common loose term used on social media that sitting is as dangerous as smoking. Do you believe that sitting for too long is People are dying from sitting for long periods of time and then smoking?

It is difficult to determine it because people’s lifestyle and habits are highly variable, but smoking is something that can be quantified. How many cigarettes are you smoking and what is your risk? We depend on genetic factors.

There is no problem in sitting, no matter how long you are sitting, there is no problem in sitting, but in non-interrupt setting, there is a problem that if you are sitting, you are not getting up every 20 minutes, then there is a problem. We should get up every 20 minutes. Nowadays, there is software. Using standing desk in the company is a very simple solution to this problem.

Sitting postures

It doesn’t matter how much you sit, it does matter how you sit. You can set an alarm on your phone. Every 20 minutes an alarm will beep on your watch and this is a reminder to pay some attention to your posture and how you sit. If 99 people do not know this then how to know and no one has told us how to sit and what affects our posture, so let us discuss about some sitting postures.

1.Keep Your Feet Flat on the Floor

2.Maintain a Neutral Spine

3.Support Your Lower Back

4.Keep Your Knees at Hip Level

5.Position Your Arms and Wrists Ergonomically

6.Relax Your Shoulders

7.Adjust Your Screen Height

8.Take Regular Breaks

Sleep deprivation is harmful than alcohol

India ranks second in the world in terms of sleeping deprivation. We have the worst sleep in the world. People are not able to sleep much. So what do you think, why does this happen and the follow up question is whether it is due to less sleep or useless sleep. Does sleeping make any difference to the brain?

there are multiple reasons one to I feel nose pollution is very big in India there is a problem and we use it in crowded cities live are more between each other’s houses there is no space the sound is continuous 24 hours traffic people TV phones all this came think nose pollution is one of the biggest issues ok

second is especially think which you the dada suggest that they are probably in cities more if so life has become quite busy in in cities if you have traffic issues than you are at work. you spend hours in traffic again if you spend time then where is the time left? always giving less priority to gold give less priority to your sleep and the rest of our responsibilities and meaning its difficult live we have to earn we have to work for a living , see we have see, we have to teach the children. it becomes a very busy life so we always sacrifice your sleep

sleep is very important in fact its probably for the brain Function lack of sleep is as bad as it may be alcohol many regions in sleep which one is processed more in the brain even doctor don’t talk about it the brain is an isolated organ from the rest of the body. there is no connection we think brain is like in silo completely an insulated blood brain barrier would have been a thing where whatever circulates in the blood is not easily inside the brain Function can reach because blood brain the barrier insulates the brain in such an important structure of ours we are protected in the body.

Slow wave sleep

Slow web sleep is the stage for sleep where your brain Function rests and the body is in a restful state. You should not allow this lymphatic system to clean our brain cellular debris at night so a bulk of waste material gets accumulated and this is what leads to early degeneration such as Alzheimer’s disease so we have to be very very careful about top priority. to a sleep most people sleep average of an 7 to 8 hours

How to fall asleep quickly

Some people think that one can enjoy the light of the screen is Definitely going to meaning has affected Screens primarily filter blue light when you look at a screen, while your phone’s main filter can be changed to red light, but blue light is too strong to affect the brain Function, which is responsible for your retina’s main cells. There are light sensitive cells that carry information to the brain. There is a small structure in the brain from where our heart rate is controlled.

Red glasses or blue light blockers

Nowadays red glasses have started coming in, first of all you should start wearing glasses which basically block blue light, think that are beneficial think that are better than not using then there are two types of glasses, one is blue light blockers and one comes in red color which actually removes blue light, so what is better? And are both useful or not?

Blue light blocks are definitely useful. Red glasses are also useful. There is some evidence that the red light and red filters we use today are very beneficial to macular vision, which is the sandal part in the retina where we see the highway. West appreciates the vision with clarity So two cells are more energy we use these red light filters and red light blue light blockers because a better from the point of view of effective the light dark cycle in the brain Function so no glasses old blue red glasses good and red is better

Workout before sleep

Some individuals find that working out before bed helps them fall to sleep, but it’s important to maintain it light and steer clear of intense exercise. Try milder workouts like yoga, walking, or relaxing instead. You can more easily fall asleep when the night come by doing these activities, which can help you relax your body and mind. Just keep in mind to pay focus on what your body is saying and quit if you experience any pain.

Alcohol’s effect on brain

How bad is alcohol for brain ? we are born with certain number of nerve cells Approximately this nerve cells stay with us for the rest of our life there is no other part of the body

Where you will always have the same cells. Take your tongue. But we keep regenerating every two three days. Skin cells are continuously regenerated. But your intestinal cells are continuously regenerated. The brain does not regenerate. So once the brain gets damaged, it is gone. for life

Neurogenesis and generation of nerve cells is very very limited and very very rare in the human body so if our nerve cells are getting damaged by anything and alcohol is one of the most widely abused neurotoxin on the planet alcohol effect on nerve cells is very bad. it kills nerve sex

What dose alcohol do ? how is it damaging brain ? what will happen to him if some one consumes too much alcohol and someone does not consume alcohol? what will be difference in the brain of both of them and what will be the difference in his life

Alcohol consumption can damage brain nerve cells. Energy of the nerve cells micro Cordia the get poisoned. Nerve cells die and affect various functions especially memory. It can lead to dementia. It can lead to shrinkage brain Function volume. If you do MRI. Let us see that in alcoholics, on average their brain volume shrinks due to loss of nerve cells.

Vaping and smoking effect on brain

Due to the nicotine they both contain, smoking and vaping can both have instant effects on the brain Function. Feelings of reward and pleasure are brought on by the stimulation of neurotransmitters like dopamine by nicotine. But nicotine also modifies mood, attention, and cognitive function by interfering with other neurotransmitter systems or systems. Changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing patterns brought on by smoking and vaping can have an immediate negative effect on general health and brain function. Further harm to brain cells and impairment of mental abilities can result from inhaling carcinogens and toxic substances found in both cigarette smoke and vaping aerosols.

Chemicals important for brain

There are four chemicals which are really important



3. Acetylcholine

4.Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid

1.Dopamine : Dopamine, often referred to as the “feel-good” a chemical is an important neurotransmitter for motivation, pleasure, & reward processing. It is involved in a number of processes, including thought, control of motion, or mood management.

2.serotonin: Many people call serotonin as the “happiness hormone” as it plays a crucial role in controlling mood, hunger control, sleep-wake cycles, and memory. It helps the growth of calm and well-being.

3. Acetylcholine: Mainly Four Combination an Clarity When we have to focus, read something or understand a new concept then we need Acetylcholine.

4.Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid: As the brain’s main regulatory a chemical GABA helps control neuronal excitability and guards against overstimulation. It is beneficial for lowering anxiety, encouraging sleep, and preserving emotional stability because of its soothing and relaxing properties.

How to increase focus?

Decreasing the amount of distraction in your environment is one easy strategy to improve attention. This may entail setting up a free of clutter, dedicated workplace, choosing a quiet spot to work, and shut off notifications on your computer or phone. Also, performing mindfulness exercises like meditation or taking deep breaths can assist focus and relax the mind.

Melatonin is safe to consume?

Melatonin has become a very famous supplement which is available over the counter and is easily available from anywhere and many people take it. Let us see what are the side effects of melatonin.

Yes melatonin has side effects which is androgen melatonin it may affect the brain that would avoid melatonin as far as possible because it can be used short term when you are having jetlag, going to a new place only then you should take it To get adjusted to the day night cycle, you can take there are better sleep supplements for two-three days which can improve your quality of sleep like Magnesium which are safe then you can take Magnesium 3ionate, Magnesium Glycinate. In which elemental magnesium should be around 300 to 400 mg at night. Very safe. If you are having muscle cramps then that will help. There are many supplements which are beneficial for you.

Evolution of diseases and medicine

we have chronic lifestyle diseases witch are the biggest killer in the world now Diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, obesity, cancer these is very preventable health care is only way and other big think neurodegenerative disease Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s they know no way to cure these disease you have to live with and you will die with of them how do you prevent them from happening next time be space is not only space but next pretty its what we should be focusing on now how we can improve our health span not life span

Weed and its effect on brain

It alters perception, emotion, and cognitive functions when ingested via interacting with brain Function receptors. These effects may include feelings of calmness and pleasure, alterations in judgment and decision-making, changed sensory perception, memory loss, and reduced focus. While severe or prolonged cannabis use can result in addiction, dependence, and negative effects on brain development—especially in teenagers and young adults—it may not be harmful if used infrequently.

Cocaine’s effect and how does it work

we are more conscious but we don’t have that data consumption of cannabis and cocaine also increased has been in India specifically around the world it was always there and too much these last five increasing in India years later was another done by an independent i think drug rehab center even NGO what is there on social media I don’t no that is true or not but give that cocaine usage in India is 200%years on year but its increasing and the surprise consumption make people crazy become if they don’t got it’s the sort of thing they wanted again an again

it comes down to dopamine again its a very powerful dopamine agonist so you immediately get a surge of dopamine in your brain and you feel great so then you keep looking for that same feeling but the problem is that you in the previous dose of cocaine taken late us give you 1x dopamine release got five after using it seven times given you 5x dopamine release in the same dose

if you get cocaine you will have to increase the dose to get the one dopamine ok the process will go on you in will become sensitive to dopamine sensitivity is less effective in brain if you go, you will feel the need to release dopamine your cocaine dose from first starting which was x was 10x will go depending on how fast it grown how much cocaine do you use ? there won’t be anything to do so you will forget about food personal hygiene social contact everything at the cost of trite get more dopamine in your brain it’s a very sad situation

Brain foods

what are brain foods to improve like brain health? what are the best food

so generally come don’t like to talk too much about nutrition because its really a difficult topic to make sense out because there are too many variables to encounter

but generally by and large there are a few foods that are considered to be which are healthy for your brain so vegetable and fruits sources are generally considered to be healthy ok so omega three for example which is present in fish and also in algae if you are a vegan and vegetarian

omega3 is very good for your brain Function it is present in some vegetarion food ?how did algae come into existence other than algae ? flax seeds and all contain some of the walnuts also so but not great quantities so you ideally should supplement ideal than apart from that there are various other chemicals

which are present in certain foods especially fruits and vegetables so the colored fruits blue berries, black berries and antioxidants which are present these colored fruits like oranges also carrots ten sorts of things very good for your brain vitamin E, vitamin C containing food vitamin B12 is another very important vitamins for your brain health so these are the generally reasons you should have a rainbow on your plate. the more Color and the more variety you have on you plate the better it is so most people wood say a Mediterranean diet is a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and some amount of fatty fish seafood is considered very healthy for brain Function

Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia

India prevent lifestyle in said India disease are increasing in India across the world take over the world you have dementia, Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s it will happen first what happen is Parkinson’s ?

Parkinson’s a dopamine related disease when dopamine decreases in the brain Function that cause in one of the brain Function causes difficulty in movement means because dopamine is the molecule of motivation movement action so people freeze they don’t move they become very slow oats called brady kasia doesn’t walk at all people move very slowly, shuffle like this and the movements are very slow they lose expression on the face like laughing and crying we show expression on our face they don’t the show should become expressionless go and they start developing trump that Darkinson Alzheimer’s is a Neurodegenerative disease this is related to the brain but not my area of core hurts because its nerve medicine and neurology but Alzheimer’s  is the condition they suffer from is the generation of neurons. particular in the area of the brain called the hippocampus is where memories are stored when memory loss

HBOT therapy is good or bad?

I can’t say but in these few circle things is become common HBOT we are hyper Barrick oxygen people in one machine go and take 100% fresh oxygen and let’s take her therapy do you think its good people should do it ?

do it no I don’t think its good oxygen is also bad just because too much oxygen is also bad just because somethings is good for us in small quantities it doesn’t mean that more of it is better so even for exercise there’s something called a you shaped curve we also if you are not exercising then your risk will reduce but will over even if you exercise, you risk increases so its a you shaped curve so over
what is exercise when you are doing?

too much exercise without high intensity you are not giving me a chance for proper recovery to harvest the body to recover benefits of exercise we’re gonna damage yourself and organs you’re going to cause more harm then good similar some with oxygen problem of you expose too much oxygen if we do it on your body then you get something non age free oxide radical basically they are radicals that come from oxygen are hyper oxygen species super oxide hydrogen peroxides are all damaging too cells will get free radical

Air pollution effects on brain

Air purifier is good ? or people should do it does it Affect anyone in any where they brain health know I don’t tire don’t think in fact pollution affects brain health because this pollutant particles that are very small can get into the blood stream and technically they can affect oxygen delivery to the brain Function because your blood’s oxygen carrying capacity is getting affected by air pollution is every where office suite I think it will definitely come don’t know how else to tackle the problem of air pollution but there are some studies from china sea nowadays air pollution has become so Equitus we are everywhere if you any city so you are going to be exposed to air pollution or how do you counter act up to a certain extent you will be able to use air purifier if you go out to exercise run for cycling to running then you air you can’t control pollution by wearing a mask.

if you could one of the studies from china come out spoke about also is the use of broccoli and moringa sprouts. so what they found is if you use broccoli sprouts that head into groups of people living in a very polluted part of china and they gave one group broccoli sprouts shoot contain a chemical called sulfur rence so sulfur fence are a chemical that takes away all the pollutant from the body and it gets released in the urine so they found when they wer giving broccoli sprouts that people wore excrete these compounds in the urine so that harmful effects of air pollution being negated by using broccoli and moringa sprouts now

Types of Brain hemorrhage

brain hemorrhage can happen in younger ages also there are some disease which may cause brain hemorrhage some vascular malformation such as arteriovenous malformation Aneurysm. Aneurysm means its a week spot on the artery does not cause brain hemorrhage immediately?

occurs suddenly but when aneurysm formation there is no limit when is happening the patient never knows the limit so how do people recover from brain hemorrhage ?

survive brain hemorrhage like I told you. told that it could be because of various causes: high blood pressure is very common the cause of this that people do not know their blood pressure but we check very rare blood regularly pressure is sometimes green even in the clinic properly green water is not measured in green water or disease are not measured properly you could have done your blood test but the blood no one checks the pressure so regularly. especially those who do not have BP disease. so if your BP is high then you should take some medicine suddenly accelerated hypertension will Increase than

bleeding may occur suddenly, especially where in the deeper structures of the brain memory consciousness is all regulated from there. so people become unconscious now recently a doctor died in Bangalore this is how high blood pressure and intra cause of cerebral hemorrhage.

Let’s say that is one cause of brain hemorrhage and more causes of aneurysm bleeding aneurysm which blood vessel contains an aneurysm of . aneurysm means a the weak sport becomes like a balloon. if it goes into a blood vessel and bursts severe catastrophic hemorrhage in the Brain Function which may cause some people to spot death may occur if so, it will be very difficult to detect. goes but you can suspect those with high Frequency happens to be an well, we are a little aggressive among them can do screening

Childhood mental trauma

Early childhood trauma can interfere with a child’s ability to grow normally, causing it to be difficult for the child to control their emotions, form connections, and handle difficulties in the future. Alcohol abuse, depression, anxiety, or traumatic brain injury (PTSD) are among mental health issues that it may intensify. In order to help children recover from trauma and acquire the resilience they need for a healthy development, early intervention and support from parents and mental health specialists are essential.

Brain surgery

In order to assure accuracy and reduce dangers, brain surgery is a very difficult process that calls for specific education and cutting-edge equipment. Different surgical techniques, such as craniotomy (opening the skull), endoscopic surgery, or less-invasive treatments, may be working, depending on the particular problem that needs addressed. Brain surgery can be life-saving and enhance the quality of life for individuals with neurological problems, with its natural risks which include infection and abnormalities in the brain Brain Function.

brain-computer connection (BCI) technology development is the aim of the Musk strong, Neuralink, which The goal is to develop implants that can be placed into the human Brain Function. to allow the brain to communicate with computers or other digital devices directly. With the use of Neuralink’s technology, people may be able to operate computers or mobile devices with just their thoughts. Additionally, neurological disorders including paralysis, Alzheimer’s disease, and spinal cord injuries may be treated. been working on.


Because general well-being, brain function optimization is essential. Essential tactics include incorporating mindfulness techniques, maintaining an active lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and obtaining enough sleep. Adopting these habits can help people become more intelligent, encourage better sleep, and live longer, healthier lives.

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